#include "ARay.h"
#include "AOpticsManager.h"
#include "TMath.h"
ARay::ARay() {
fLambda = 0;
fDirection = TVector3(1, 0, 0);
fStatus = kRun;
ARay::ARay(Int_t id, Double_t lambda, Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z,
Double_t t, Double_t nx, Double_t ny, Double_t nz)
: TGeoTrack(id, 22 , 0, 0) {
AddPoint(x, y, z, t);
fLambda = lambda;
SetDirection(nx, ny, nz);
fStatus = kRun;
ARay::~ARay() {}
TGeoNode* ARay::FindNodeStartWith(const char* name) const {
for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNodeHisotry.GetEntries(); i++) {
TGeoNode* node = (TGeoNode*)fNodeHisotry.At(i);
if (node and strncmp(node->GetName(), name, strlen(name)) == 0) {
return node;
return 0;
Int_t ARay::FindNodeNumberStartWith(const char* name) const {
for (Int_t i = 0; i < fNodeHisotry.GetEntries(); i++) {
TGeoNode* node = (TGeoNode*)fNodeHisotry.At(i);
if (node and strncmp(node->GetName(), name, strlen(name)) == 0) {
return i;
return -1;
void ARay::GetDirection(Double_t* v) const { fDirection.GetXYZ(v); }
void ARay::GetLastPoint(Double_t* x) const {
GetPoint(GetNpoints() - 1, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]);
Bool_t ARay::IsAbsorbed() const {
if (fStatus == kAbsorb) {
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
Bool_t ARay::IsExited() const {
if (fStatus == kExit) {
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
Bool_t ARay::IsFocused() const {
if (fStatus == kFocus) {
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
Bool_t ARay::IsRunning() const {
if (fStatus == kRun) {
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
Bool_t ARay::IsStopped() const {
if (fStatus == kStop) {
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
Bool_t ARay::IsSuspended() const {
if (fStatus == kSuspend) {
return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
TColor* ARay::MakeColor() const {
Double_t wl = fLambda / AOpticsManager::nm();
Double_t R, G, B;
if (300. <= wl && wl < 380.) {
R = (wl - 300.) / (380. - 300.);
G = 0.;
B = (wl - 300.) / (380. - 300.);
} else if (380. <= wl && wl < 440.) {
R = -(wl - 440.) / (440. - 380.);
G = 0.;
B = 1.;
} else if (440. <= wl && wl < 490.) {
R = 0.;
G = (wl - 440.) / (490. - 440.);
B = 1.;
} else if (490. <= wl && wl < 510.) {
R = 0.;
G = 1.;
B = -(wl - 510.) / (510. - 490.);
} else if (510. <= wl && wl < 580.) {
R = (wl - 510.) / (580. - 510.);
G = 1.;
B = 0.;
} else if (580. <= wl && wl < 645) {
R = 1.;
G = -(wl - 645.) / (645. - 580.);
B = 0.;
} else if (645 <= wl && wl < 780.) {
R = 1.;
G = 0.;
B = 0.;
} else if (780. <= wl && wl < 880.) {
R = -(wl - 880.) / (880. - 781.);
G = 0.;
B = 0.;
} else {
R = 0.;
G = 0.;
B = 0.;
Double_t sss = 0.;
if (300. <= wl && wl < 380.) {
sss = 0.3;
} else if (380. <= wl && wl < 420.) {
sss = 0.3 + 0.7 * (wl - 380.) / (420. - 380.);
} else if (420. <= wl && wl < 700.) {
sss = 1.;
} else if (700. <= wl && wl < 781) {
sss = 0.3 + 0.7 * (780. - wl) / (780. - 700.);
} else if (781 <= wl && wl < 880.) {
sss = 0.3;
const Double_t gamma = 0.8;
R = R > 0. ? TMath::Power(R * sss, gamma) : 0.;
G = G > 0. ? TMath::Power(G * sss, gamma) : 0.;
B = B > 0. ? TMath::Power(B * sss, gamma) : 0.;
Int_t ci = TColor::GetFreeColorIndex();
return new TColor(ci, R, G, B);
TPolyLine3D* ARay::MakePolyLine3D() const {
TPolyLine3D* pol = new TPolyLine3D;
for (Int_t i = 0; i < GetNpoints(); i++) {
Double_t x, y, z, t;
GetPoint(i, x, y, z, t);
pol->SetPoint(i, x, y, z);
return pol;
void ARay::SetDirection(Double_t* d) {
Double_t mag = TMath::Sqrt(d[0] * d[0] + d[1] * d[1] + d[2] * d[2]);
if (mag > 0) {
fDirection.SetXYZ(d[0] / mag, d[1] / mag, d[2] / mag);
void ARay::SetDirection(Double_t dx, Double_t dy, Double_t dz) {
Double_t mag = TMath::Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
if (mag > 0) {
fDirection.SetXYZ(dx / mag, dy / mag, dz / mag);